AAD Match Report

Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
BBBBBBBBBB 9 2048 7 8
requiem 8 1815 7 4
samp_expert 9 1732 6 7
krS. 6 1435 6 5
deuz_ 8 1360 1 5
arrrayayay 3 909 6 2
ea_ea 7 856 6 6
waz4 5 846 8 3
Jezkills_ 4 503 1 4
Kizuna 2 375 1 2
Req 4 364 1 3
bfour 5 316 1 5
Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
volk 8 2073 8 6
Shadowfury 6 1760 7 5
uvuvwevwevwe 8 1596 6 6
outl4wboy 9 1216 5 6
RENZO 7 1114 8 5
jay 5 1081 5 4
ds.symecz0r 7 949 5 4
Firebeatz 7 881 4 5
ninjahz 4 750 4 3
mercilees 7 469 1 5
vTr420 3 279 1 1
bobbytwerkin 1 48 0 1
b 5 - 4 a
Most damage volk2073
Most kills waz48
Highest Damage Ratio arrrayayay1.83
Highest K/D Ratio arrrayayay3.00
Match TypeTCW
Avg. Round Duration03:44

The website match stats will not correspond to the ones displayed in-game if there are any rounds played with less than 3 players per team.
Total damages might be slightly higher than the ones displayed in-game because the round damage is rounded.